[Me2Day] F(x) Victoria sends late Chuseok greeting in Hanbok! , f(x)'s Victoria


F(x) Victoria posted a message on her Me2Day. She sends her Chuseok greetings later.
She greets in both Korean and Chinese characters:

"여러분~죄송해요~늦었지만 즐거운 추석연휴 보내세요~对不起~虽然有点儿晚,但希望大家度过一个愉快的中秋节^^"

rough trans:
"Im sorry~ it's late~ but Happy Thanksgiving Day~Sorry~although a bit late but hope you had a happy Mid Autumn festival

It's always better to be late than never, and then she posted a picture of herself wearing hanbok.

Source: Victoria's me2day
Written by shaynekay@dkpopnews.net

F(x) Victoria posted a message on her Me2Day. She sends her Chuseok greetings later.
She greets in both Korean and Chinese characters:

"여러분~죄송해요~늦었지만 즐거운 추석연휴 보내세요~对不起~虽然有点儿晚,但希望大家度过一个愉快的中秋节^^"

rough trans:
"Im sorry~ it's late~ but Happy Thanksgiving Day~Sorry~although a bit late but hope you had a happy Mid Autumn festival

It's always better to be late than never, and then she posted a picture of herself wearing hanbok.

Source: Victoria's me2day
Written by shaynekay@dkpopnews.net

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