On October 17th, Seohyun expressed her admiration towards the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-Moon in the programme ‘Hello’ aired on KBS 2TV.
In the programme, Seohyun was asked to choose to put a huge-sized photo of either her favorite Hollywood star Johnny Depp or Mr. Ban Ki-Moon above her bed. As Seohyun troubled over the question, she finally answered, “Mr. Ban Ki-Moon.”
Seohyun explained her choice and expressed her unchanged admirations, “Because I respect the inner side of Mr. Ban Ki-Moon so much that I will look for his books and news about him.”
Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon is known as Seohyun’s mentor in life, as Seohyun once said that “After reading his book, I found the visions in my life and he became my role model.”
On the other hand, Seohyun also talked about the worries she had because of her voice.
When a crying voice that surpasses the average children’s crying voice was introduced, Seohyun confessed that “I also had an annoying voice back then. Because of my nasal voice, I was troubled. So I monitored my progress while I tried to fix it.”
Credit: Newsen
Translated by: imwhywhy@fanwonder.com
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