[NEWS] Junsu Visits Park Gunhyung’s Musical With B2ST Friends , JYJ


JYJ Kim Junsu, B2ST Yoon Doojoon and Yang Yoseob showed off their friendship with actor Park Gunhyung.

On the afternoon of the 16th, Kim Junsu, Yoon Doojoon and Yang Yoseob visited the venue of the musical Zorro to support Park Gunhyung. They play in the entertainers soccer team FC MEN together and has built up their relationship with Park Gunhyung.

The three who sat in a row among the audience showed themselves to be immersed in the performance and watched—sometimes bursting into laugher or clapping at Park Gunhyung’s acting.

As for Park Gunhyung, he also showed an even more passionate performance as if he gained strength due to the visit of his close juniors and so drew the heated response from the audiene.

Kim Junsu, Yoon Doojoon and Yang Yoseob who met Park Gunhyung after the performance relayed their impressions upon watching as follows: “Because the character was one that had the image of Park Guhyung in normal life melted in unchanged, it was even more fun. We saw him acting the dangerous scenes—just how hard he must have worked, amazing.”

Park Gunhyung also gave his thanks to the juniors who had come to watch his performance despite their busy schedules.

On the other hand, the musical Zorro will continue in the Blue Square of Hannamdong, Seoul until January 15, 2012.

Source: TVDaily
Translation Credit: JYJ3
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