[News] Rain reveals photos with a sense of humor wearing a funny T-shirt, News, Korea , Rain,


Rain, a popular Korean actor and a singer, has garnered much attention by revealing photos with a sense of humor taken with several friends of his.

Early in the morning of July 13, Rain tweeted links to the photos with the comment: “Guys full of cheerful spirits.” On the photos, Rain was wearing a T-shirt with the phrases “Best Cheerful Guys” on its front, and “What are you saying? Little Rain is the best” on its back, and a funny hat that said “God Rain.”

Fans who saw the photos said: “You made me laugh, Rain!” “You said you were Little Rain? That’s very funny.” “Rain, you have a sense of humor.” “You’re the biggest, as expected.”

By Jang Chang-hwan (pontan@osen.co.kr)

Source: Osen (Original article in Korean)
Photo from Osen
Translated by Geum Jae / Korea.com


Rain, a popular Korean actor and a singer, has garnered much attention by revealing photos with a sense of humor taken with several friends of his.

Early in the morning of July 13, Rain tweeted links to the photos with the comment: “Guys full of cheerful spirits.” On the photos, Rain was wearing a T-shirt with the phrases “Best Cheerful Guys” on its front, and “What are you saying? Little Rain is the best” on its back, and a funny hat that said “God Rain.”

Fans who saw the photos said: “You made me laugh, Rain!” “You said you were Little Rain? That’s very funny.” “Rain, you have a sense of humor.” “You’re the biggest, as expected.”

By Jang Chang-hwan (pontan@osen.co.kr)

Source: Osen (Original article in Korean)
Photo from Osen
Translated by Geum Jae / Korea.com

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