[News] "Indomitable Daughters-In-Law" 10.6% good start... MBC daily drama's revive?


[News] "Indomitable Daughters-In-Law" 10.6% good start... MBC daily drama's revive?
Cr. - hancinema

Will MBC TV daily dramas revive?

According to AGB Nielsen Media Research on the 7th, "Indomitable Daughters-In-Law" on the 6th rated 10.6%.

MBC TV daily series "Hurricane Couple" and "I Believed a Guy" had to suffer the pain of not being able to go over 10% all this while.

"I Believed a Guy" had to end early in bitterness of 7.5% but "Indomitable Daughters-In-Law" showed a steady start with a rating over 10%.

"Indomitable Daughters-In-Law" is about the lives of daughters-in-law currently living in a 300 year old traditional house. The first episode was all about introducing the characters.

Meanwhile, KBS 1TV daily series, "Our Women" rated 18.0%.

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