[News] 15th Puchon Int'l Fantastic Film Festival Opens for 10-day Run.


[News] 15th Puchon Int'l Fantastic Film Festival Opens for 10-day Run.
Cr. - http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/

The 15th Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival opened in Bucheon City, Gyeonggi Province on Thursday for a ten-day run.

A total of 221 films from 33 countries will be screened at this year's festival.

The festival will not only run science fiction, horror and thriller movies, but it will also screen animation movies, such as "Ugly Duckling" and "Case Closed", that all family members can enjoy together.

Street concerts, exhibitions, free movie screenings and various other events will be held on the sidelines of the festival, and for the first time this year, Bucheon City has prepared a camping ground for audience members who are staying for an extended period.

After a closing ceremony is held on July 22nd, for two days, the festival organizers will screen the movies that were the most popular with the audience this year.

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