Announcement Regarding [In Heaven] Album Preorder and Sale
Hello. This is C-JeS Entertainment.
First, we thank you for the heated support that you have sent at the release of the teaser for In Heaven. We provide you with the places of ordering of the albums and the time at which the pre-ordering becomes possible.
The time at which pre-ordering becomes possible: September 9, 10AM
C-JeS Store http://www.c-jes.com/shop/
Yes 24 http://www.yes24.com
Kyobo Book http://www.kyobobook.co.kr
InterPark http://www.interpark.com
Aladdin http://www.aladin.co.kr
Music Land http://www.imusic.co.kr
Synnara http://www.synnara.co.kr
Bandi and Lunis http://www.bandinlunis.com
Apple Music http://www.applemusic.co.kr
Lees Music http://www.leesmusic.co.kr
Music Korea http://www.musickorea.com
Libro http://www.libro.co.kr
And more.
Kyobo Hot Trakcs http://www.hottracks.co.kr/
Synnara Record http://www.synnara.co.kr
Evan Record http://www.evan.co.kr/
Libro http://www.libro.co.kr
Purple Record http://www.purplerecord.com
Hyang Record http://www.hyangmusic.com
M to You Record
Mihwadang Record
Burus Trakc
And More.
Source: C-JeS
Translation Credit: JYJ3
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