[News] BEAST "Chuseok came? Plan is to eat a lot of mum's food" , B2st Beast


Group BEAST are finely dressed up in their costumes to give fans a Thanksgiving greeting.

On the 9th, through their agency, they give out Chuseok greetings politely with pictures of them in handbook.
Member Doojoon said "Spending time with your family is the most valuable, even to all of you, all the time feeling troubled, throw away all those worries and just hope to have some fun".

Next Hyunseung said, "it's been a while being together with family, hardly ever time for a conversation, I also want the members to play and have fun. In those times, hope to spend more time with family". Junhyung advices "A big feast with family is what we can do together in order for a fun time, to those people who can't be together, just know that you're heart can still enjoy the fun".

Yoseob said wittily, "I have a plan that I want to eat a lot of food that my mom prepared this Chuseok". Kikwang encouraged by saying "always be happy, be healthy, eat many many anything that is delicious. Even we BEAST think of it that way, so don't forget".

Maknae Dongwoon said "For Chuseok this year, the sons, being a little thick, will be able to go back home. So, do not worry about us, please have an enjoyable time with your family."

CREDITS: Gyeongje Today via Yahoo! Korea (SOURCE); zapsaple@B2ST RISING (TRANS)

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