[News] IU and Goo Ha-ra chosen 1 and 2 for best looking in a Hanbok , Goo Hara


Singers IU and Goo Ha-ra were chosen as the first and second female idol stars that look good in a Hanbok.

According to a survey called, "Which female idol will look good in a Hanbok?" run by "Seven Edu" from the 12th of August to 6th of September, IU received 168 votes (30.7%) and Goo Ha-ra 118, (21.6%) out of 547 people.

Chairman Cha Gil-myeong of "Seven Edu" said, "IU's cute appearance and singing talent has won her the support of men of all ages, making her the new 'national sister'. She has more oriental beauty than western and she looks good in a Hanbok too".

Meanwhile, IU is preparing for her new album in October and it seems that singers Yoon Sang and Lee Juk are helping her on it.

Source : news.nate.com/view/20...

Translated by Hancinema.net

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