[NEWS] Letter to Kwanghee from the Director, of the Orphanage , ZE:A


To ZE:As Kwanghee-nim Hello, how are you? My name is Jung Euisoon and Im the director of the Social Welfare Facility Kyungdongwon. Wed like to sincerely thank , who through their good music bring dreams and hope in these difficult times for those who suffered because of the flood in our country during the rainy, hot season.

This time we are grateful to receive a donation from Kwanghee-nim. Last month we heard that he wa going to fully donate the prize he won by succesfully completing challenges in MBCs variety show One minute to win it.
We also heard hes recently very busy with the promotions of the new songs and 24h a day is not enough… but were thankful he still thinks about our children. Were thankful for the donated rice, toys and school supplies.

Well make sure to use the money which Kwanghee-nim donated with such love, where its most needed. Thanks to the interest and love given to our Kyungwon angels, they are always cheerful and they are growing up well.

Wed like to thank Kwanghee-nim once again. Well be praying for you, ZE:A, to lead the K-pop fever throughout the world through your even greater activities in the future and for you to forever stay as the amazing idol group that we remember in our hearts.

August 2011
Jung Euisoon
director of Kyungdongwon

Source: ZE:As official daum cafe
Translation: nashirah@tumblr

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