[Pictures] What is G.Na doing at the CD Factory? , Kpop


Selcas of G.Na at the CD factory garnered attention.

G.Na released her official 2nd album 2 weeks ago.G.Na is signing some of her CDs at the factory as shown in the photos above.

Meaning to say that some lucky G.Na fans will get her autographed CDs.Some fans shared the photos of their signed CDs on online communities that caused much discussion.

You should really try your luck,grab one original G.Na's album and see whether you get her autograph or not!

Photo Source:Newsen
Written By:Kacey @ DKPOPNEWS.NET

Selcas of G.Na at the CD factory garnered attention.

G.Na released her official 2nd album 2 weeks ago.G.Na is signing some of her CDs at the factory as shown in the photos above.

Meaning to say that some lucky G.Na fans will get her autographed CDs.Some fans shared the photos of their signed CDs on online communities that caused much discussion.

You should really try your luck,grab one original G.Na's album and see whether you get her autograph or not!

Photo Source:Newsen
Written By:Kacey @ DKPOPNEWS.NET

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