백년만에 용화입니다! 이번 토요일 일요일 블루스톰 !! 너무기억에남는공연이었어요! ㅎㅎ이사진은이번공연때 확성기같은효과를내기위해썼던 제 새로운 악기입니다! 어떠셨나여??여러분들께 새로운 모습을 보여드렸는지 모르겠습니다!저도 몸관리잘할테니 여러분도 건강관리 잘 하세요!!
[Trans] After (like) “a hundred years”, this is Yonghwa here! Last Saturday and Sunday was BLUESTORM (concert)!! They were very memorable performances! Hehe. This picture is the instrument that I used in the concert to make the special sound effect, my new instrument! How was it?? I hope we showed everyone a new side of us! I’m taking a good care of my health so everyone please be healthy too!!
Source: @CNBLUE_4 on Twitter , TS-Helicon
Translated by: fizzy @ cnbluestorm

백년만에 용화입니다! 이번 토요일 일요일 블루스톰 !! 너무기억에남는공연이었어요! ㅎㅎ이사진은이번공연때 확성기같은효과를내기위해썼던 제 새로운 악기입니다! 어떠셨나여??여러분들께 새로운 모습을 보여드렸는지 모르겠습니다!저도 몸관리잘할테니 여러분도 건강관리 잘 하세요!!
[Trans] After (like) “a hundred years”, this is Yonghwa here! Last Saturday and Sunday was BLUESTORM (concert)!! They were very memorable performances! Hehe. This picture is the instrument that I used in the concert to make the special sound effect, my new instrument! How was it?? I hope we showed everyone a new side of us! I’m taking a good care of my health so everyone please be healthy too!!
Source: @CNBLUE_4 on Twitter , TS-Helicon
Translated by: fizzy @ cnbluestorm
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