[News] 2PM Member Junsu Reveals His Strong & Attractive Image , JunSu


2PM Member Junsu Reveals His Strong & Attractive Image

2PM Member Junsu Reveals His Sensuous Makeover, ‘Red Junsu’ Photos

- Junsu reveals his photos this 5th day morning through Naver Music.

- Jun. K’s sensuous makeover totally different from his image as a 2PM member

- ‘Strong Red’ Jun. K’s active music career is expected.

One of 2PM Members Junsu has revealed his surprising image this morning through Naver Music.

Junsu has achieved recognition for his potential as a musician through his own songs like ‘HOT’, ‘Sunshine’ and ‘Don’t Go Away’. Today, he revealed his sensuous makeover with strong and impressive red color through Naver Music, which is totally different from his image as a 2PM member. He attracted the attention of music fans through his new image, arousing curiosity for his music activities.

Jun. K (Junsu)’s new image features his unique sentiment with impressive red color. His smile and strong red suit in the monotone image cuts creates his own contrasting images, showing his gentle and strong charisma as well as cold and passionate images.

JYP Entertainment says, “Jun. K (Junsu) always tries something new with his songs to be a musician, not just be an idol. We ask fans to have lots of expectations for and interests in his music activities.

You can see Jun. K’s new images and listen to his new song in Naver Music.

Source: JYP Facebook

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