[NEWS] 2PM Nichkhun releases camera CF with a paparazzi concept in Thailand, 2PM (Khun) , 2PM


The camera CF 2PM member Nichkhun released in Thailand is catching a lot of attention.

Recently, the video of the CF was published onto the online community's video site, Youtube. Nichkhun is currently the endorsement model of S company in Thailand.

Nichkhun filmed the CF with a foreign model. With Nichkhun seeming to chase the female model with a papparazzi concept, it has caught a lot of attention. Nichkhun wearing a blue jacket boasting his unique and pretty facial features has returned to his homeland Thailand with great popularity and creating a hot topic.

Some netizens have responded with, "If Nichkhun was a papparazi it would be great", "Still as handsome as ever, Nichkhun," "Take a picture with me," "Even a camera model in Thailand, daebak!", etc.

Reporter Choi Minji
Credit enews24
Article http://www.enews24.net/news/10/1736902_1601.html

Translated by khy127 @ W2D
May be taken out with credit

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