[News] After School is Targeting Otaku's? , NEWS


On October 17th when the Japanese version of After School’s ’Diva‘ MV teaser was released the groups change in both concept and clothing gained attention in online communities.

In the Korean version of ‘Diva‘ After School wore bright attention catching and sporty clothes. This style has been left behind and the group is showing off what one might describe as a ‘sexy warrior’ image in the teaser. Netizens are surprised that after AS Blue underwent scrutiny for wearing garter belts, the group as a whole is wearing what some consider daring attire.

After watching the MV teasers comments left by netizens include, “aimed at Otaku’s?“, “It is shocking” and “Members seem to be becoming Orange Caramel” among other reactions.

*An Otaku is: a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly anime, manga, or video games (via Wiki).

The purpose of releasing a teaser is to gain interest and build excitement for the full release. After School has accomplished this and the reactions – whether good or bad have many people anticipating the full MV.

Once Orange Caramel’s current promotions for ‘Shanghai Romance’ are completed, After School will return to Japan to promote ‘Diva‘.

Source: NATE + Afterschooldaze
Shared + Credits: Iceprinceafterschool @as-afterparty

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