Kim Jae Joong revealed that “my palate would be on par with Jang Geum’s if I was born a long time ago” at the press conference for the release of their first Korean album ‘In Heaven’ on the 30th last month at a café at Jung-Dong in Seoul.
Kim Jae Joong played a role of a 2nd generation chaebol director Cha Mu Won well [literal trans “stably”]. He revealed that he did all the coooking scenes himself. Members explained that he really has excellent skills in cooking.
Jun Su said “I recommend his kimchee fried rice and 잡탕찌개 among Jae Joong ee hyung’s dishes”, and Yu Chun profusely praised “since we’re not living in a dorm any more we have few chances to taste [Jae Joong ee hyung’s] dishes he makes with all his heart poured in, but he cooks really well. Even when there are few ingredients, he can whip up delicious dishes.”
Jun Su also added an explanation, “he makes delicious dishes without [artificial] flavor enhancers. Jae Joong ee hyung seems to take pride in not using [artificial] flavor enhancers. Jae Joong joked that “my palate would be on par with Jang Geum’s if I was born a long time ago.”
JYJ released their first Korean album ‘In Heaven’ on the 15th last month. They are going to have concerts in Barcelona, Spain on 10/29 and Berlin, Germany in 11/6.
Source: Segye.com
Translation: Spring_Breezes
Shared by: JYJ3
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