[News] Rain, "The past 10 years went by quickly", tears , Rain


Singer Rain, who is joining the military on the coming 11th was revealed in tear filled feelings in a video.

The ending scene of Rain's concert in the Seoul Olympic Stadium on the 25th of August was posted on You Tube on the 30th.

He thanked the fans and spoke about how he felt about joining the military.

He started off with his debut, "From April 24th, 2002" and couldn't finished his sentence crying.

He kept trying to stop his tears and talk but he couldn't help his feelings and continued crying.

After putting on the pair of sunglasses that were on stage, he said, "Time passed by like the wind. Give me the name, Rain".

He continued, "I thought about the day I had my first audition as I did my opening earlier on today and it was hard. It was so difficult then, and it's been 10 years".

About his National Service, "Anyways, I am going to go to the army, it's not a big deal, it's something everybody does but I am just embarrassed that I am going so late".

He said, "I will be fine. I thank the fan's who have been loyal to me for the past 10 years. My loves, my father and my sibling, I love you". Then he did a big bow towards the fans.

Meanwhile, Rain is joining the National Service on the 11th at the 306 training base in Euijungbu as an army soldier.

Source : news.nate.com/view/20...

Translated by Hancinema.net

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