[NEWS] Teddy Riley offends Wonder Girls fans with his tweets , NEWS


American R&B singer-songwriter and record producer Teddy Riley seems to have caused quite the ruckus on Twitter. For those of you who are not aware, Riley has been working closely with SM Entertainment to produce material for Girls’ Generation’s upcoming comeback album The Boys, which is slated for a potential US release around the same time the girls are scheduled to begin promotions in Korea. Riley has been actively promoting and supporting the group through his Twitter page.

On September 30, he replied to a fan’s tweet with “Pls don’t worry they will be more excepted than WG. Fosho!!!!” He later retweeted a follower’s message that read, “wonderfuls just mad wondergirls are flops in america and no one cares about them.” As expected, angry responses to his posts flooded in from fans, many of whom were outraged by Riley’s blatant dismissal of the Wonder Girls, who made waves in the music industry back in 2009 when they went on tour with the Jonas Brothers.

Assuming Riley meant “accepted” rather than “excepted,” it’s pretty obvious that he’s not only confident about Girls’ Generation’s future success in the American music industry, but he’s also adamant about refusing to give the Wonder Girls any credit for their successes in the States. In attempt to defend his actions, Riley responded to a few of the negative replies he received by claiming that he, in fact, hadn’t been referring to the Wonder Girls at all. He wrote that everyone had jumped to conclusions about his earlier tweets and that those who misunderstood him should leave his page.

It’s a bit of a stretch for Riley to say that he was misinterpreted when “WG” had been clearly included in his tweet. Because let’s be real — who else could Girls’ Generation possibly be compared to in terms of global popularity for a female k-pop group?

Riley may simply just want to show support for the artist he’s producing tracks for, but perhaps he didn’t realize how much of an impact his words would have on Wonderfuls. What are your reactions to Riley’s comments?

Note: This post does not intend to cause fanwars especially for Sones and Wonderfuls. Please do not bash anyone. 

Credits: mtvk.com

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