[News] What’s On U-Kiss’ Mind? Check out their Brain Map! , U-Kiss


What’s On U-Kiss’ Mind?

On a recent Japan Programme, U-kiss revealed their Brain Map.
Check out what's on U-Kiss' Mind!

1. #1
2. Kiss Me
3. Responsibility
4. (The teeny little circle in the middle) His duet: April Story

1. Neverland #1
2. Health
3. Vitamin
4. Fashion
5. The nickname “Kuma” (Bear)
6. Studying
7. Family
8. Popularity
9. Travel

1. #1 on all music programs on TV
2. Worrying about the members (these days they are sick)
3. Kiss Me
4. Neverland
5. Family
6. Rest/Sleep
7. (the teeny little circle) Food

1. Neverland + U-Kiss Success
2. Get Paid (mobile calls internationally to his family is so expensive)
3. Family
4. (the teeny little circle in the middle) Travel

1. Sleep
2. Neverland Success
3. Thinking about Chuseok with family (what will we do?)
4. Hungry (always want food)
5. Going on a trip during Chuseok

1. Food
2. Sleep
3. #1
4. Creating (like composing, i.e. Obsession from Neverland)
5. Studying

1. Neverland #1
2. Kiss Me Japan (later justified to be also KM Korea and KM Intl)
3. Sleep
4. (the teeny little circle) Food

Credits: FYeah U-kiss

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