[Photos] Super Junior Heechul starts his duty as public service personnel , Kim Hee Chul


Super Junior Heechul finished his 4 week- basic training in KATC (Korean Army Training Center) yesterday. He left the training center and returned back to Super Junior dorm to meet his members before he starts his duty. Super Junior Sungmin even uploaded a photo with Heechul in SJ's official website to make sure that he is fine and came back to dorm.

Today marks Heechul's 1st day as public service personnel in Seoul Seongdong-gu office, and some fans even send him to his working place.

This is the start of his 23month-duty to fulfill his responsibility as a citizen of South Korea.

Photo credits as tagged
Written by shaynekay@dkpopnews.net

Super Junior Heechul finished his 4 week- basic training in KATC (Korean Army Training Center) yesterday. He left the training center and returned back to Super Junior dorm to meet his members before he starts his duty. Super Junior Sungmin even uploaded a photo with Heechul in SJ's official website to make sure that he is fine and came back to dorm.

Today marks Heechul's 1st day as public service personnel in Seoul Seongdong-gu office, and some fans even send him to his working place.

This is the start of his 23month-duty to fulfill his responsibility as a citizen of South Korea.

Photo credits as tagged
Written by shaynekay@dkpopnews.net

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