[News] Cube Entertainment's artists donate to help Thailand , Cube Entertainment


Cube Entertainment's artists including 4minute, B2ST and G.NA recently donated to help ease Thailand's suffering after the severe flood stroke the country.

Although Cube's artists donated privately, news of the donations have spread through Thai media and Twitter. It has been revealed that they donated 50 million won through Korean Red Cross. Many Thai people showed love for the groups so they voluntarily offered some help for the victims. The idol stars were very happy to help to show their appreciations to fans.

After hearing the news, Thai people showed their gratitude to their idols on Twitter saying, "We sincerely thank you for your help and warmth. Thank you Kpop."

Meanwhile, 4minute will be releasing their sixth Japanese single and hold first official fanmeeting on December. Cube Entertaiment will kick off "United Cube Concert" in London and Brazil.

Source: Star News
Written by: jhezwafu @dkpopnews.net

Cube Entertainment's artists including 4minute, B2ST and G.NA recently donated to help ease Thailand's suffering after the severe flood stroke the country.

Although Cube's artists donated privately, news of the donations have spread through Thai media and Twitter. It has been revealed that they donated 50 million won through Korean Red Cross. Many Thai people showed love for the groups so they voluntarily offered some help for the victims. The idol stars were very happy to help to show their appreciations to fans.

After hearing the news, Thai people showed their gratitude to their idols on Twitter saying, "We sincerely thank you for your help and warmth. Thank you Kpop."

Meanwhile, 4minute will be releasing their sixth Japanese single and hold first official fanmeeting on December. Cube Entertaiment will kick off "United Cube Concert" in London and Brazil.

Source: Star News
Written by: jhezwafu @dkpopnews.net

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