[News] Donghae's surprise confession ''I want to be like HaHa hyung'' , come to play


Super Junior Donghae confessed that he wanted to be like HaHa.

On the 31st on MBC ‘Come to Play’ Donghae made many curious by stating that his goal was to be like HaHa.

On this day, after Eunhyuk said that he wanted to be national MC like Yoo Jaesuk, Donghae said “I want to be HaHa so that I can stay by him.” and surprised everybody.

He was saying that if Eunhyuk wanted to be like Yoo Jaesuk, he would want to be like Haha. Eunhyuk explained that Donghae was someone that would do better if someone led him than him being the MC. Therefore that was why Donghae wanted to like HaHa.

On this day, guests such as Jang Seohee, Lee Junghyun and Super Junior Eunhyuk and Donghae appeared as guests.

*HaHa is known to love Yoo Jaesuk. HaHa has even jokingly created the Yoo religion, which treats Yoo Jaesuk like a god. HaHa loves Yoo Jaesuk. So, what Donghae was trying to say was that he wanted to like HaHa because he wanted to be beside Eunhyuk (who wanted to be like Yoo Jaesuk).

Source: Sportsnews
Translated by: Jee ( www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com )
Reposted by: dulcinea326 @elfamazing.wordpress.com

Super Junior Donghae confessed that he wanted to be like HaHa.

On the 31st on MBC ‘Come to Play’ Donghae made many curious by stating that his goal was to be like HaHa.

On this day, after Eunhyuk said that he wanted to be national MC like Yoo Jaesuk, Donghae said “I want to be HaHa so that I can stay by him.” and surprised everybody.

He was saying that if Eunhyuk wanted to be like Yoo Jaesuk, he would want to be like Haha. Eunhyuk explained that Donghae was someone that would do better if someone led him than him being the MC. Therefore that was why Donghae wanted to like HaHa.

On this day, guests such as Jang Seohee, Lee Junghyun and Super Junior Eunhyuk and Donghae appeared as guests.

*HaHa is known to love Yoo Jaesuk. HaHa has even jokingly created the Yoo religion, which treats Yoo Jaesuk like a god. HaHa loves Yoo Jaesuk. So, what Donghae was trying to say was that he wanted to like HaHa because he wanted to be beside Eunhyuk (who wanted to be like Yoo Jaesuk).

Source: Sportsnews
Translated by: Jee ( www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com )
Reposted by: dulcinea326 @elfamazing.wordpress.com

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