[News] Yoochun Looking for a “Wise Woman Who Will Be Liked By My Mother” , JYJ


“I am looking for a wise woman who will be liked by my mother.”

“I wish to make a woman of my own!”

Park Yoochun, member of the popular group JYJ, says the following nowadays as if a habit: “Set me up on a blind date.”

In a recent meeting with Sports Donga, he pressed [the reporter] saying “set me up on a blind date” and so drew the eyes. On his Twitter (@6002themicky) too, he wrote “I wish to make a woman of my own. Shall I take blind dates,” thus receiving the jealousy of the fans. Park Yoochun explained his ideal woman to be: “A natural beauty who gives a bright energy, and a wise woman who will be well-liked by my mother.” He also said: “I have taken on a few blind dates in the past but they were all busy decorating themselves on the outside and we could not communicate well.” Continuing, he said: “Until now I have not introduced my girlfriend even once to my mother, but if/when I come to have a girlfriend this time around I want to introduce her to her.”

Park Yoochun’s usual “ideal woman” is well-known to be Kim Taehee, the top star. He has said through interviews with a variety of publications that: “I definitely want to try collaborating with Kim Taehee.” This time he got his wish(?). Park Yoochun finished filming an advertisement with Kim Taehee in a studio in Seoul before he left for the European Tour on October 24. Further, aside from Kim Taehee, he has become chosen as the model of the Italian restaurant brand Black Smith along with Song Seunghun.

Source: Sports Donga

Translation Credit: JYJ3

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