[Photo/Twitter] G8 plays with mud on Invincible Youth 2! , g8


On November 19th, @kbsgirl7 tweeted the photo above with a caption "You can see the pretty female idols, G8 figures when playing on mud flat. They look pretty with whatever they do. It'll be on Invincible Youth2 11:05PM tonight"

These girls are hilarious, who would expect that idols like them would play with mud.

Source: kbsgirl7's Twittter
Translated by: @dkpopnews.net
Shared by: angelclowie18@dkpopnews.net

On November 19th, @kbsgirl7 tweeted the photo above with a caption "You can see the pretty female idols, G8 figures when playing on mud flat. They look pretty with whatever they do. It'll be on Invincible Youth2 11:05PM tonight"

These girls are hilarious, who would expect that idols like them would play with mud.

Source: kbsgirl7's Twittter
Translated by: @dkpopnews.net
Shared by: angelclowie18@dkpopnews.net

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