[News] How do Infinite members react to their first performance in Japan?‏ , NEWS


Popular idol group ‘Infinite’ members L and Sungjong have revealed their selcas.

Today (18th) afternoon, Infinite’s L posted a photo along with the short caption, “Ok?” In the photo, L is shown making a smile in his stage outfit while holding a board inscribed with, “Hello. It’s L. While I’m at Japan, don’t. See. Any. Other. Guys!”

Afterwards, Infinite’s Sungjong also posted a selca in his stage outfit, looking a little tense along with the words, “Getting prepared for the performance right now~ As it’s our first performance today, fighting!!!!” With this, eyes are attracted further by the contrasting demeanor these two Infinite members show in reaction to their ‘first Japanese performance’.

Upon seeing this photo, fans have shown reactions such as, “I won’t meet anyone! I’ll be waiting”, “Even during preparations for their first performance, they (contacted us), cuties”, and “What do you mean ‘ok’! Come back quickly!”

Meanwhile, Infinite will be releasing their first Japanese single ‘Before the Dawn’ on the coming 19th and will start standing on Japan’s stages.

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