[News] B1A4 surprising popularity at Haneda airport! , haneda airport


At the early dawn of the 7th, idol group B1A4 headed to Japan for their showcase scheduled on the 9th along with the release of their new album.

Despite the fact that it has not even been 1 year since their debut, their popularity seems to be greater in Japan than in Korea.

Not only did they sign with one of the biggest record company, Pony Canyon, but their fanbase is rapidly growing.

B1A4’s popularity was confirmed as soon as they arrived at Haneda airport.

There were numerous amounts of fans gathered at the airport, awaiting their arrival. So much that B1A4 had to exit through the emergency exit of the airport, according to a representative of Pony Canyon.

B1A4 will be active with a full schedule and will come back to Korea next Monday.

source: seoul e news
trans cr: mr. Jiyoung @ AVIATEB1A4

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