First time ever Wonder Girls challenge to speak in a special lecture session
The special session about ‘their dream and challenge’ starts now.
Why did WG members become teary? What does it mean?
Last year, what did Sunye regret most after her father passed away
She will tell her sweet memories of her father,
Herim started the trainee days alone in the foreign land, Korea, in the young age of 14
At the time, what was her parents’ most annoying comment?
Sohee first time ever speaks a lot in the talk show.English that made WG suffer in such a way also give Sohee a new dream.
What was that dream, indeed?
By the sudden immigration to US, her student life was …
Few years later, however
Ironically US became the land of the opportunities to her.Yeun. The most difficult moment of her life was shared public in first time.
I had difficulties in ‘Tell Me’ days, wanting everyday to die.A crisis had visited on her peak. What was her reason?
Talk, communicate and encourage
Most of all, there are big brothers to talk to<TALK SHOW! DO DREAM>
Source: wg070210
Translated by UncleSam
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