[News] JYJ “AIDS Day” Relay Tweets Cause an Explosive Reaction , JYJ


Group JYJ used relay tweets to promote world AIDS day.

As United Nations “UNAIDS” goodwill ambassadors, the JYJ members spread publicity for world AIDS day through their twitter.

Kim Jaejoong tweeted “Do you guys know we are UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassadors? Junsu, what special day is December 1st?” to which Kim Junsu responded “Don’t forget December 1st is World AIDS day”. Park Yoochun finished the relay of tweets by promoting the UNAIDS twitter and website. The members tweeted in english, attracting the attention of International fans.

The relay promotion of JYJ caused a hot reaction on twitter. Each of the members have more than 500,000 twitter followers from across the world who sent messages for world AIDS day in many languages.

In addition, there was a massive increase in traffic to the United Nations AIDS website immediately following the tweets—once again proving the global popularity of JYJ.

JYJ have said “We act as ambassadors to the United Nations on the topics of HIV and AIDS information, and most of our promotions are in order to get rid of the prejudices concerning AIDS so that people can receive better treatment. More focus on worldwide AIDS awareness is necessary.

The United Nations AIDS in Asia and the Pacific Office Manager Beth Magne stated “After JYJ were appointed UNAIDS goodwill ambassadors, there has been great progress made in promotions and they have been a huge help with the Twitter campaign, ‘Love Always’, whose followers have increased 3 fold, with over 40,000 fans across the world, because of JYJ.

She further said “We were also a little startled at the tremendous reactions shown to AIDS, which is a topic that is normally difficult to talk about. We saw heavy traffic on Social Networking Sites where people were discussing this topic and for that we have to say thank you to JYJ”

On the other hand, JYJ have recently participated in an end of the year pictorial who’s proceeds go to under-privileged and low income children. They have also taken part in an African child sponsorship project through the Share Happiness foundation.

Source: 내일신문 via Nate
Photo: C-JeS
Translation by: DoctorJaee of JYJ3
Shared by: JYJ3
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