[News] Lee Hyori to Pay a Hefty Fine! , lee hyori

A court ruled that Lee Hyori will have to compensate for some part of the modeling fees and ad production of an online shopping website she modeled for during her controversial fourth studio album.

On December 6, the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office ruled in a damage suit filed by an online shopping website against Lee Hyori and her agency, and ruled that the singer needs to cough up a pretty pennya total of 190 million won to be exact.

The website signed a contract with model Lee Hyori on August 2009 and paid her 700 million won in modeling fees, but the advertisement was never used at the time as Lee Hyori’s fourth album was caught up in a large plagiarism controversy. As such, online shopping website demanded that Lee compensate for the lost costs.

The website originally filed for 490 million won in compensation for modeling and production fees against Lee Hyori.

Source: enewsworld.com

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