[News] T-ara's Eunjung ‘Queen Insoo’ Earns Highest Rating On General Service Channels , queen Insoo

JTBC’s Queen Insoo is serving as a relief for general service channels, recording the highest viewership ratings among all general service channel programs.

The December 3 broadcast of Queen Insoo showed the first meeting between In Soo (Ham Eun Jung) and Do Won (Baek Sung Hyun) and In Soo’s ambitions to become the queen of the palace.

The broadcast received 1.183 percent in ratings (AGB Nielsen Media Research). Despite the grand opening of the general service channels TV Chosun, jTBC, Channel A and MBN on December 1, a majority of their programs were unable to go over the 1 percent mark, and so the ratings for Queen Insoo have great meaning for the general service channels.

Just like SBS was successful when it first launched with its hit drama Hourglass, many are looking on as to whetherQueen Insoo will have the same effect for the general service channels.

Queen Insoo tells of the fight for power between the women of Joseon: Queen Insoo, the Desposed Queen Yoon and Joseon’s first Empress, Jeong Hee.

Source: enewsworld.com

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