놀자콘서트 일본투어가 끝났습니다. 요코하마..고베..치바 까지.. 6회를 언제 다 돌지? 했는데 벌써 끝이났네요.. 정말 좋은 경험이고 추억이될거에요! 다들 넘 고맙구! 이게 끝이 아니라 투애니원은 이제 시작이니까! 다음에 또 놀러와줄거죠?!? ^_^ 투애니원 놀자!!
NOLZA Concert Tour in Japan has already ended. Yokohama.. Kobe.. and Chiba… How to go all around 6 times? But we already did though, and now the end has come… It was a really good experience and has already become a very good memory! Thank you, everyone! This is not the end though because 2NE1 is just getting started! Will you also play the next time as well?!? ^_^ 2NE1, let’s play!!
Update #2:
허걱! 콘서트 끝났다고 슬퍼했는데 글세 투애니원 티비도 끝난다네요?!?두둥..ㅠ.ㅠ 이제 진짜 마지막회..진짜 마지막촬영을 마쳤어요..아쉬운맘에 눈물콧물 빼며 너무 울어서 얼굴 띵띵붓고 만신창이 됐어요.. 부다! 부은다라!ㅠㅠ 넘 아쉬워요..이별은 싫어요!!!휘리릭!
Tags: 얼굴 부은 굴욕사진 우리끼리만 보는거에요! 퍼가지말기! ㅠㅠㅋ 센치달옹..
Oh oh! The concert has ended, and I’m all sad, and now there’s 2NE1 TV, which is also ending too?!? Dudung.. ㅠ.ㅠ Now this is really the real finale.. I’ve already finished my last filming.. I had such a regretful mind that I cried hard and my nosw was running, and now my face has become bloated and I’m totally haggard.. Buddha! Buddha Dara! ㅠㅠ This is so regretful.. I don’t like separations!!! Swish!
Tags: This bloated face, humiliation shot of me, should stay between us! Don’t spread it, and it must end here! ㅠㅠ Ke Senti Darong..
Source: Dara’s Me2Day (www.me2day.net/21dara)
Translated by: BlackjackBelle@OhDara/ SlaveTranslator@WeLoveDara
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