와쌉?!? 일본투어를 끝내고 갖는 잠깐의 여유! 하라주쿠 거리도 걷고 맛있는것도 먹고 지금은 신주쿠거리를 걷고있어요~!^_^ 한국에선 잘 못걸어다니자나요!여기선 알아봐주시는분들도 계시지만 아직은 나름 편히 걸어다닐수있어요! 더 열심히 투애니원을 알려야겟어! 불끈!ㅋㅋㅋ
Wassup?!? Now that the Japan concert tour has ended, I have a short, free time! Walking the distance of Harajuku street while eating tasty food, and now walking through Shinjuku street~! ^_^ In Korea, I can’t really freely walk around that much! Although some people can already recognize me here, it’s still to the point where I can comfortably walk around and relax! I have to work harder to let people know about 2NE1! Determination! Ke ke ke
길걷다 발견한 리락쿠마 뽑기!!! 빠밤!!! 채린이 줄려고 시도~! 빠밤!!!ㅋㅋㅋ 뽑기도 포스있게!!!…. 하지만 돈만 쓰구 ㅠ.ㅠ 실패했어요.. 아우 어렵네 이거어~! 미안하다 채린아~ㅋㅋ 뽑아서 선물해주려했는데ㅋㅋㅋ
While I was walking down the street, I found this Rilakkuma draw!!! Ppabam!!! I wanted to give it a try so I can give it to Chaerin~! Ppabam!!! Ke ke ke The force to draw it out!!!… But I ran out of money ㅠ.ㅠ A failure.. Awww, it was so difficult~! I’m sorry, Chaerin-ah~ Ke ke I really wanted to draw out one for a gift Ke ke ke
Source: Dara’s me2day http://me2day.net/21dara
Translated by: BlackjackBelle@OhDara/ SlaveTranslator@WeLoveDara
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