[News] Park Min-young cast in drama, Chun Jung-myung to join her?


[News] Park Min-young cast in drama, Chun Jung-myung to join her?
Cr. - javabeans

Park Min-young is still on the set of her current drama City Hunter, but she’s already been cast in her next project. (By the by, doesn’t Park Min-young always star in the crack drama of the year, two years running? That’s some thunder. Perhaps she’ll be three for three before the year is even out.) She’ll be starring in the upcoming KBS drama Man of Honor, known also as the highly anticipated reteam of Baker King Kim Tak-gu‘s PD Lee Jung-seob and writer Kang Eun-kyung.

The drama is about two young people who overcome their fates and find love. Park will be playing a young woman who dreams of becoming a nurse like Florence Nightingale, even as she struggles with a harsh life. So not a light and fluffy drama, this one.

Man of Honor follows The Princess’s Man and premieres in October on KBS.

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