[News] Donghaes romantic proposal with hand-written love letter revealed! , super junior


Super Junior member Donghaes handwritten love letter to a female idol has been revealed.

Donghae personally wrote a love letter for one of the female cast members during the filming of SBS Holiday Special Star Affection Village, and has successfully shaken not just her heart, but also the rest of the cast.

Because of his leg injury from another broadcast, the production team had been worried as to whether Donghae could attend the filming. Fortunately, despite his condition, Donghae came to the set. He struggled through the filming, but because of the cast he couldnt participate as actively as usual.

He tried to captivate the female idols heart with a handwritten love letter, expressing what he had in his mind as well as a truthful confession. Donghae wasnt the only one who proposed, but also other male members of the cast, which created an intense battle.

Star Affection Village, featuring 6 male idols and 5 female idols going all out to find their partner, will be aired on September 13th at 8:35PM.

Source: mydaily.co.kr
English Translation: @dewspaper for SUPER-LEGACY.COM
Edited by: mysapphiresky @ SUPER-LEGACY.COM

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