Source: PINGBOOKOn August, 23th, SBS Strong Heart, Donghae revealed that before Super Junior debut, he was attacked.
Donghae said, Before we debut as Super Junior, we almost debut as Smile. At that time, therere me and Leeteuk in this group. and We went to see a soccer match at the restaurant because of 2002 World Cup. Korea won at that time. I was so happy, so cheering very loud, and then 2 men nearby looked to and shout at us Hey both of you come here
Donghae said, I was just a teenager that time, and tell them angrily What. two men came to me as the same size as Kang Hodong, and another one was as the same size as Eunhyuk. He added, After I said What, there was some fight. I was attacked by many, so I was injured.
He revealed that I had no scare, but I think it s not good for me because I had the schedule on the next day (shooting for Jacket album of Smile) He added that I watched K-1 fighting competition with Leeteuk before this happened, so I asked him Hyung If this thing happened to me, will you protect me, then Leeteuk said, You are my brother, Ill protect you by myself He continued, But that time, I was attacked strongly, and could see some blood. I think my face is important, and I should protect it, so I only protect my face. While I saw Leeteuk fight with a man who s like ancovy, I called him to help me. He replied that Wait Ill fight this man off. I had been attacked for 15 minutes, and then 3 men left
Leeteuk came to see me and asked if I were ok, but there s too much of my blood at that time. He said, Actually, I should protect you He added, When we back dorm, my face swelled so much. So, Yesung took an egg to soothe my face. Leeteuk shout Im so sorry, I cant protect you
For Yesung who heard all of this, he throw an egg to Donghae s bed and said Donghae ~ Im also sorry that I cant help you, he said angrily. After that, Leeteuk and Yesung said they couldnt let it go like this. They suddenly went outside. Donghae thought they might go to revenge for him.
2 hours later, Leeteuk back to dorm again. The manager asked him Where did you go He replied that Sa-u..Sa-u (Sa-u means fight) He said like that, and then suddenly said Sauna made the audiences laughed.
Leeteuk said, We actually went out with no plan, but in fact, we couldnt do anything He added, Since we shout loudly before went out, it s cool, so we couldnt back again doing nothing. We had to find something to do before, he said humorously.
English translation: paepaero @ BeloveDHae
Shared on by elf101586
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