
On the 6th of september.. the tenth episode of Birdie Buddy, Sung Mi Soo (After School's U-ie) climbs into a mountain to train and transforms into a strong honey bee girl.
In the previous episode, Sung Mi Soo sees and realizes her fathers true feelings, and climbs into a mountain to learn to play golf from trainer Yoon Kwang Baek (Robert Holley), but she is instead made to do all kinds of chores like carrying water, doing the laundry and wood cutting. Would she be able to learn how to play golf at all?
During the filming of the episode, U-ie wore a short-sleeved shirt and a skirt although it was freezing due to the winter season. She did not grumble or make a complaint even though the shooting scenes required a lot of physical work.
A PD Member complimented U-ie and said, She acted not as an idol star, but as a Rookie and did her best to make a perfect product.
Source: Osen
Credits + Translations: Iceprinceafterschool @as-afterparty
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