[NEWS] U-ie is….Homeless? , UEE

U-ie has unexpectedly transformed herself into a homeless girl on KBS Ojakgyo Brothers.

On this weeks 11th episode of Ojakgyo Brothers, viewers will be able to watch U-ie living out the 1 Night 2 Days lifestyle on a farm courtyard. [...] Previews have revealed the idol eating and sleeping inside a pitched tent. U-ie shot a scene which required her to boil ramen while wearing shabby training clothes and sleep in a sleeping bag under the tent.

There was also a funny incident during the set when director, Kim Min Soo shouted, OK! before U-ie could finish her ramen. The production team burst into laughter when U-ie protested, But its so delicious…

On the other hand, U-ie has been improving her acting skills by playing as the lead actress in Ojakgyo Borthers and tvNs Birdy Birdy.
Shared by: TailedFox@as-afterparty

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