[Trans/Blog] Super Junior Sungmin is a fashion terrorist? , sungmin


Super Junior Sungmin updated his naver blog with a picture showing his hairless legs wearing a high black socks.

He posted with the message,

"Eunhyuk named me the fashion terrorist!!ㅋㅋ
Do you really believe that I would wear these...?ㅋ

But....I admit that when I go work out...I'm sorry..ㅋ

*Eunhyuk said on the program Hello that Sungmin is a fashion terrorist who wears black socks that go up to his calves.

Source: Sungmin blog
Translated by Minnie @ SUJUISM.BLOGSPOT.COM

Translator's note:
The translation cannot be re-posted elsewhere without my permission. If you would like to use this translation for your website, please leave a comment below specifying where you want to re-post my translation. I will reply to your comment and let you know whether or not you can take out my translation. Please copy and paste the credits above when re-posting. Only the source of the article and the translator should be credited when re-posting the translation; no other names or blog addresses may be added to the credits.


Super Junior Sungmin updated his naver blog with a picture showing his hairless legs wearing a high black socks.

He posted with the message,

"Eunhyuk named me the fashion terrorist!!ㅋㅋ
Do you really believe that I would wear these...?ㅋ

But....I admit that when I go work out...I'm sorry..ㅋ

*Eunhyuk said on the program Hello that Sungmin is a fashion terrorist who wears black socks that go up to his calves.

Source: Sungmin blog
Translated by Minnie @ SUJUISM.BLOGSPOT.COM

Translator's note:
The translation cannot be re-posted elsewhere without my permission. If you would like to use this translation for your website, please leave a comment below specifying where you want to re-post my translation. I will reply to your comment and let you know whether or not you can take out my translation. Please copy and paste the credits above when re-posting. Only the source of the article and the translator should be credited when re-posting the translation; no other names or blog addresses may be added to the credits.

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