
Super Junior Sungmin uploaded a video on his blog showing off his skill for decanting wine.
Sungmin/Super Junior fans are aware that he loves to experiment and tastes different wines.
This is his first wine decanting experience.
Watch his video clip below:
He wrote:
111003 Sungmin Blog Update “First Decanting”
남경가기전에 하나 투척!!
a memory before I go to Nanjing!!
이거슨 옛날에 규현이랑 종한형이랑 강헌선생님과 와인마실때의 일이다!^^
This was from before, tasting wine after decanting with Kyuhyun, Jong Han hyung and teacher Kang Hun.
첫 디켄팅..지금은 이때보다 훨씬 안정적이고
I’m even more unstable now compared to before. Although I’m more gentle now.
부드러워졌지만 이건뭐..흔들흔들 쏟아질것도 같고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ웃긴다~
But this … I was trembling so much it spilled ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ so funny~
디켄팅하는 와인은 샤토 몽페라!
The wine decanting was Chateau Mont Perat!
Finally revealed ~ ㅎㅎ
좀더 연습해서 시즈쿠같은 디켄팅을 선보이겠다!음하하하하
With more practice I can showcase it like Shizuku! Eumhahahahaha*Shizuku is a character from a comic about wine I think
Translated by @MinBunny twitter
Note: Wine decanting is a process by removing sediments from an old bottle of red wine to a decanter to make the wine tastes less bitter and smoother. This is one of the techniques done by most wine experts.
**Among SJ members, he drinks wine with Kyuhyun often.
Video: from Sungmin's blog│Re-UP by RaiChanXD on YT
Written by shaynekay@dkpopnews.net
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