May be taken out with full credits.
This is not the FULL chat, but Carol was awesome enough to translate most of Taec's messages. The guerilla chat was from around 7PM KST - 8PM KST. Taec went first and then Khun. It was for Hottest 3 members only! The room was only limited to 20 people though, several us tried to get in but it was full! ㅠㅠ. But luckily, we found a full transcript of the chats, so we can at least get an idea! :)

- 안녕하세요
- 저 누군지 아세요?
- 지금 저와 다른멤버 둘이 있어요
- 조금 있다가 그멤버랑 교대할거에요
- 타자가 느리다니여!
- 우선 접니다
- 내가 누군지모른다면....
- 자신이 핫티인지 다시 확인해주세요
- 자 우리 투피엠은
- 데뷔날짜가 몇일?
- 자 그럼...
- 섹고의 생일은?
- ㅋㅋㅋ
- 여기서 맞춘사람은...
- 자신이 핫티인지 다시 확인해주세요
- 자
- 난 지금 채팅을 하고 있어요
- 내가 아직도 누군지 모른다구?
- 날 모른다는 잊츄는 추방!!!!
- 사려주지...
- 저녁들은 먹었어요?
- 자 여기서 나한테 밥사달라는 사람들...
- ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- 안돼
- 안그래도 타자느려
- 찡찡이의 매력 너 추방
- 말을 많이하라니
- 나 엠씨옥이야~
- 경주 오는사람?
- 멀다는 핑계대지마요
- 차비가 없다는 핑계 대지마요
- ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- 레알 경주가서 경주빵먹어
- 그럼 여기서 퀴즈!
- 나는 지금 어디일까요>?
- 잊츄 개드립 추방
- 마지막 한번 남았어 잊츄
- 지켜보겠어
- 자 다시...
- 난 어디일까요:?
- 맞추는 사람에게
- 투피엠 투에이엠 레인보우 카라 애프터스쿨 주 정종철 김나영 걸스데이 가 다니는 헬스 하루 무료권 드릴게요
- 잊츄 정답
- 잊츄 나중에 팬싸인회때 나한테 얘기하삼
- 문제는 팬싸에 무조건 뽑혀야함
- 자그럼...
- 다음 질문...
- 지금 찬성이는 일본에 왜 갈까요?
- 쥬라마 같은 쥬라마 같은 쥬라마쥬라마쥬라마
- 였으면 좋겠죠?
- 잊츄는 ?살?
- 잊츄 개드립 마지막이야...
- 자 그럼...
- 나는 왜 일본에 왔다갔다 할까요?
- 아 기사 뜬겨?
- 아놔 이것참...
- ㅃ
- 빵만 굽다가 인터넷을 안 접했더니./..
- 잘못친거야
- 검색어 1위는 또 뭐여
- 수업?
- 학교 말하남?
- 조석느님은 이틈에 끼여있을지도 몰라...
- 저분은 내가 스포하지말라고 있는 컴퓨터 프로그램이에요
- 앙콘은 말이죠
- 말해드리고 싶은데
- 다음 멤버가 자기 차례라고 절 밀쳐내네요
- 자그럼
- 여러분 오늘 잘자구
- 내일도 잘자구
- 경주에서 만나용~
- ㅃㅃㅇ
- 뽀빠이!
- 뿡뿡이?
- 안녕하세요! 닉쿤입니다!
- ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
This isn't the full chat above, only what JUNHOBRAND could translate, but she got most of it! This isn't necessarily line by line, but we'll just leave it this way! ^^ Keep in mind that this is a chatroom, much like the s-box, so he's calling people's usernames out and responding to things they're saying :)
- Hello
- Fo you know who I am?
- I am with another member
- I will be trading places with that person later on
- First off....its me...
- If you dont know who I am.....
- You must re-evaluate yourself as a Hottest
- ....okay....what is 2PM's debut day?
- Okay now... Sekgo's (JYP) birthday...
- ㅋㅋㅋ
- The person who's gotten is right so far......
- OKAY...
- I'm chatting right now
- Do you still not know who I am?
- ~and then itchu said I dont know...then he said~
- Itchu, the one who doesnt know me, you have been exiled!!!!
- You should be saved
- Have you guys eaten?
- Is there anyone who wants to give me food?
- NO
- jjing jjing charm... EXILED
- You guys talk a lot
- I talk a lot
- I'm MC OK!
- Who's coming to GyeongJu (GyeongJu Dream Concert)?
- Do not use distance as an excuse!
- Do not use transportation fare as an excuse!
- ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- When you go to real Gyeongju...eat Gyeongju bread
- Where am I?
- Itchu 개드립... EXILED
- Wow you have one left (chance) itchu
- Okay...again....where am I?
- Whoever gets it right will get a free coupon to spend a day at the gym that is frequented by 2PM 2AM RAINBOW KARA AFTER SCHOOL JOO JUNG JONG CHUL KIM NAYOUNG GIRLS DAY
- Itchu...you got it right!
- Itchu please claim your prize at the next fansign
- The real problem is....getting picked to go to the fansign
- Okay now....next question
- Why is Chansung now in Japan?
- jjurama like a jjurama like a jjurama *he's saying drama strangely~*
- It would be good if that was it...?
- itchu....how old are you?
- ~she said she was 19 and thats how old Chansung said she looked~
- Itchu 개드립... that better be your last
- Okay now...
- Why did I go to Japan?
- since everyone got the answer....
- Did an article get released?
- Well then........
- What's this? Number 1 search?? classes?
- Are they talking about when I went to school?
- Speaking of an encore concert....
- I want to have one but..... that's a conversation for the next member to address
- Okay...everyone have a good night...
- and tomorrow too
- See you in Gyeongju
- Bye bye
You can read translations of part of Nichkhun's chat on FOLLOWKHUN.COM! ^^
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