[INTERVIEW] B1A4 in A-Star Magazine September Issue , Trans


Let's go with 5 blood-type boys


"OK, girl. I'm only your Yes Man, I'll do anything for you. OK, girl. I'm yours now. I love you~~ I'm your man (You're my girl). I'll get everything for you. OK, girl. From my head till my feet. I love you~~" Geez, I love you too. They're so cute. You're wondering who they are, right? They're rookie band called B1A4 or what Thai fans always call them 'Blood-type boys'. I've heard that they're as cute as cartoon characters. So I want to tell you that they're really cute. For someone who have met a real them, You must want to add ' 's ' to make them be yours for sure.

They came to Thailand for the first time as the newest presenter of Big Cola. Because of their popularity, Big Cola chose them over other groups to be presenters. Press conference had been held on July 28th at Eden, the 3rd floor of Central World. When I (referred to the author) arrived where the event held, many BANAs had been there already.When press conference started, 2 MCs opened and then cover dance shows.
After then, There are some interviews and talked about 'B1A4 Big Cola First Fan Meet and Greet Concert', Meet&Greet;with B1A4 at South Korea. More information at http://www.bigcolathai.com. Then, it's time for B1A4! Leader Jinyoung walked on the stage with a friendly smile waving his hands to fans followed by Baro, Gongchan, Sandeul and CNU. When they were all on stage, They sat down and started an interview.

Q: Introduce yourself, please?
Jinyoung: One, Two, Three.
B1A4: Hello, Let's fly B1A4. Yeah!
Jinyoung: Hello, I'm the leader, Jinyoung.
Baro: Ah~ Hello, I'm rapper, Baro.
Gongchan: Hello, I'm maknae, Gongchan.
Sandeul: Hello, I'm the main vocal, Sandeul.
CNU: Hello, I'm CNU.

Q: This is your first time coming here?
Yes, this is the first time.

Q: What's your impression with Thai fans?
Last night, we arrived at the airport very late at night. We thought that no one would come to see us but when we came out, many fans were waiting. We're very happy. There are our signs wherever we go.

Q: Fans here are cute or beautiful?
Beautiful. (smile and the rest members gave a thumbs up)

Q: How do you feel about becoming the newest presenter of Big Cola?
(was about to speak but fans screamed so he looked so shocked) Actually, We love drinking cola. To be Big Cola's presenter is awesome! (shyly smile)

After finishing the interview, They showed the making flim or new CF. B1A4 went down and sat on the floor to see it clearly. Then, showing the CF, taking photos together, B1A4's mini concert. Then, I've been into a special interview.

Q: How about your first time in Thailand?
Thailand is the country we'd like to visit but there's no chance. Last night we saw many fans waiting for us at the airport. We're very happy. (smile)

Q: How about working with May-Pitchanath? Did you know that she's very hot here?
We've heard that she's a superstar in Thailand. We're very impressed to work with her. She's very beautiful and our work went very well. (smile)

Q: May is very beautiful?

Q : Were you shy when you're fliming with that beautiful girl?
(Baro offered microphone to Sandeul) Yes!
Baro: May is very beautiful so we're so shy. May treats us very well too.

Q: How do you feel about Thai fans?
We just met yesterday at the airport but I could feel their love. There are signs written our name in Korean, That makes us happy. When we see it, We could feel the love that fans sent to us.

Q: How do you feel about first fanmeeting here?
Very happy that we can come and see our fans again.

Q: What's your wish for this coming fanmeeting?
Many fans to join this.

Q: What's your ideal types?
Girl who treats me well.
Sandeul: Girl who always do her best in everything.
Baro: Girl who understands me. Talking with her makes me feel comfortable.
Jinyoung: Girl who loves only me.
Gongchan: FANS!

Q: Speak thai ,please?
Sawasdeekub (Hello), Khorb Khun Kub (Thank you), Yin dee tee dai Roo Jak (Nice to meet you).

CHANNEL [V] THAILAND. July 29th,2011
They did a fanservice as always making fans happy. The fans made them happy as well. When they sang one part of 'O.K' like "I love you~~", Fans sang it out loud doing the Sandeul's dance like they did in the live performances.They all thumbed up to thank their fans. They talked about many things there like the background of the name 'B1A4', their Saturday activity, Jinyoung as a good leader etc.

But the highlight is the MC asked them to speak Thai. "Let's love?" said Jinyoung, "Right, Right? (Slang)" said Baro, "Chill, Chill" said CNU, "Sandeul, the best!" admiring himself Sandeul and the last one "Gongchan, so cute" also admiring himself Gongchan.
They also talked about their characters. Leader Jinyoung offered himself to talk about this. He said Baro is like a vitamin, CNU is kinda peace boy, Sandeul is a type of active boy always asking about everything he sees, Gongchan was like a cool man but he's just a baby.
Baro offered himself to talk about leader, he said that whatever the leader does, he'd try his best to archieve it. If he's working, he won't listen to anything no matter how noisy the members are. He was really born to be a leader.

Another lovely shot is to speak Thai word which is about Thailand, the first word they said is "Elephant" acting like an elephant and the 2nd one is "Hua-Hin (Seaside town's name)". That's all about B1A4's moments in Thailand.

Source: A-Star Magazine
Scan Credits: @Ptt2StarCraft
Reupload Credits: CAPTAIN @ FLIGHTB1A4.com
Translation Credits: Creamaya @ FLIGHTB1A4.com

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