[TRANS] Dream High movie-book Vol.2 is On Sale Now! , Trans


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Dream High movie-book Vol.2 is On Sale Now!!

Annyeong, I’m Lisa! (≡^∇^≡)
This is an update after a long while♫

Having everyone wait for such a long time, at last it’s here!


Dream High movie-book Vol.2 is On Sale Now!

We are so sorry that the release has been a little late.
We have also been asked, “Is Vol.2 out yet?” by many people.
Thank you so much~~・°・(ノД`)・°・

Even though it is a little late, it has turned out to be the best Movie-book that will not betray everyone’s expectation~!!

For those that have an iPad or an iPhone, this is a must download!

Lisa, like many who has been waiting sooo long for this book is very satisfied♫

I’m especially impressed by the amount of volume that is larger than Vol.1! (≧▽≦)
In order to enjoy the whole package you would need about 1 hour. ^^

There are a lot of shots from dance scenes, singing scenes, and famous scenes too! And there are a lot of pictures too!

The present is the director’s bonus footage. This is also quite an attention. *_* NG Scenes are also included~ ^^

Furthermore, I’ve been overwhelmed by the large amount of on-the-making photos too. I unintentionally counted all of them (laughs). Tada~ there are 41 in all!! !! Through halfway of the book the there are already 32 pictures compiled in the photo album. The total amount is splendidly 73 photos. Suzy’s cute photos, Taecyeon’s playful photos…there are so many kinds of photos! I’ve came to remember it as an enjoyable photo shooting session♫

I will introduce a detailed highlight to everyone again some time <3
Please look forward to it~ (*^ー^)ノ

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